The mission of Robinson Ranch remains firm; to provide comprehensive educational programs for under-privileged, disabled & able-bodied children and adults, utilizing horses to facilitate growth, learning and healing. Pursuing this mission enriches the lives of our students in a caring, safe, and challenging environment that will enable them to reach their full potential.




















Jackpot Ranch - August 2017

Juniper Wells - July 2017

Tombstone - June 2017

Thank you to Steve Goldstein and the Buffalo Soldiers of the Arizona Territory Reenactors in Tombstone 2017!

Trail Ride -  january 2010

Montessori School - october 2010


Salt River Ride - april 2009





 1231 E. Ardmore Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85042 (602) 268-4972   

© 2010 Robinson Ranch - Webmaster:


Interested in sponsorsing one of our horses at Robinson Ranch? Click here!

Our Horses

Fancy     Dusty   Brutis  Bella

Harley  Marah Mariah


pony Boy      Darby    Star

Sahara   pretty girl     Silver rugar